Thursday, 15 August 2013

highly respected mesothelioma researchers

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1. October 10, 2012 – In a ground breaking study published in the New England Journal of Medicine today, highly respected mesothelioma researchers, led by Harvey I. Pass, M.D. of NYU Medical Center, reported that they have identified a biomarker in blood and effusions (effusion refers to the escape of fluid from blood vessels or the lymphatic system and its collection in a cavity of the body), which can distinguish a healthy person with exposure to asbestos from patients with mesothelioma and distinguish effusions caused from mesothelioma from other malignant and benign effusions.

2.  Researches compared the levels of a biomarker called fibulin-3 in the blood and effusions of these different groups of patients. They found that fibulin-3 levels in blood did not vary according to age, sex, or duration of asbestos exposure.

3. These results suggest that levels of fibulin-3 in plasma and effusions may aid in determining the diagnosis and prognosis of pleural mesothelioma